Uplifting Podcast Circles

Building Peer Communities - Nurturing Active Hope

Experience Deep Connections around the Outrage+Optimism podcast

This Trailer (2mins) shows the depth of connection and community building skills you are invited to experience.


Most of us feel deeply concerned about the pressing global issues of our time, not least the climate emergency. Many of us found podcasts we feel aligned with in their values. And yet, many of us can feel isolated in our care and are longing for meaningful social connections and a desire for (more) collective actions. To meet this challenge we are facilitating dialogue series to deeply connect caring people within the climate movement and to nurture ’emotionally sustainable activism’.


Our natural tendency as humans – when we see a pressing need – is to focus straight away on actions, which can lead us to actions that feel quite isolated. Systems Thinking suggests two steps prior in order to initiate and sustain social change: 1) Building Trusting Relationships, 2) Developing Core Skills, and 3) Engaging in Collective Action.


Join our small group dialogues to practice empathic dialogue and community building skills. We will connect around inspiring media content, drawn from the Outrage & Optimism (O+O) podcast, TED Climate Countdown, and National Geographic.
We will meet on our virtual platform Human Bridges and connect via a new, innovative, media-enhanced, uniquely interactive Peer Dialogue method. Human Bridges is developed by Crossing Borders Education (CBE), an international non-profit organisation for personal transformation and dialogue across difference.
During three intentional and safe sessions, you will experience empathic dialogue to uplift each other and practice community building skills such as: deep listening, robust empathy, and active hope. In process we will naturally strengthen our human capacities for building trust, mindfulness and belonging. Following the approach of systems thinking towards social change we will start with relationship building and skill building first.
You will be part of this creative next stage of our three-year programme which is being developed in partnership with Outrage & Optimism, the Cisco Green Team, Purdue University and the Charter for Compassion.


We are inviting participants to our programs who:

  • are inspired to learn the skills to facilitate small group dialogues
  • feel passionate about growing nurturing virtual communities for the climate movement
  • are interested in systems-change that starts with trust building and caring dialogue


We facilitate the online sessions in intimate and diverse small groups (4-12 participants) in order to experience the depth, vulnerability, and courage necessary to nurture empathic dialogues across differences.
The intended outcomes for our participants are:

  • an experience of meaningful peer connections
  • an open space for uplifting inspirations around pressing issues
  • an opportunity to cultivate practices and collective actions that can help to connect the climate movement, uplift those of us how are emotionally exhausted, and build a web of nurturing peer communities


  • Place: virtually
  • Time: noon-1:30pm EST (New York time)
  • Dialogue Series: three interactive sessions (90 min each) to support group bonding
  • Next Dates: click on the registration link below & indicate your interest in program dates
  • Cost: With gratitude to our partners, we offer these pilot programs free of charge

Please click on the button below to register for this program.